Making a meteorology app using Node.js and OpenWeatherMap API on MacOS

Marcelo Lopes
2 min readApr 13, 2021

This tutorial will show you how to create simple weather app using node.js and OpenWeatherMap API.

Step 1- Create an account on the site OpenWeatherMap.

To get start we need to access the OpenWeatherMap website and register.

Then we select API Keys to create a key, to do this we have to insert in the name field a name that will be associated with the key that is generated.

Step2- Developing the app

If you already have Node.js configured, the first thing to do is to create a directory with the name nodejs-weather and then we open terminal and type the following command (after we change the directory):

npm init

Fill the fields with the information you want and press enter.

The output will be similar to the image below:

Then we type the following command to add the packages:

npm install request -save

We create a file with the name Index.js with the following code:

let request = require(‘request’);

let apiKey = ‘YOUR KEY’;

let cidade = ‘YOUR CITY’;

let url = `${cidade}&appid=${apiKey}&units=metric`

request(url, function (err, response, body) {


console.log(‘error:’, error);

} else {

let weather = JSON.parse(body)

let dados = `Dados da temperatura para ${}:

— Temperatura : ${weather.main.temp}ºC

— Humidade : ${weather.main.humidity} % `




Note that in the line 3 and 4 you type your Api Key and the city you want.

Finally on the terminal type the following command:

node index.js

The output will look like this:

